I’m chewing on the last paragraph of this article in the New Yorker, which explores why we revere French food above all others, even now that the great chefs and writers that originally brought it to us are gone.
“[M.F.K] Fisher once wrote to [Julia] Child that one reason they were friends…
Great piece. Having come back from Paris, mired in those particular American-girl-idealizing-Paris feelings, ones I mocked in college but now feel sort of … relevant, ten years later, I have been thinking about French culture and French idealization and French food quite a bit. Stu made an accurate observation that the American women who idealize France and Paris, who go through that junior year abroad phase, all tend to be, across the board, Type-A Perfectionists, no matter the age.
Isn’t it awfully fitting that Natalie Portman is moving to Paris?