Hi Lena!

Me, in September 2014

“… out of the two, which deal was the source of 1,000 thinkpieces and vague concern trolling about whether-or-not a big deal like this was “right?” You guessed it, Dunham’s. Was there a similar level of outrage for Ansari’s book deal? No — and perhaps speaking to his smaller footprint, culturally, it basically was reduced to a side note.” 

[Although he did sell out Madison Square Garden… ]

Lena Dunham, May 2015:

DUNHAM: When it was leaked how much I was getting for my book [a reported $3.7 million for Not That Kind of Girl], there were 39,000 articles asking, “Is she worth it?” Then it came out what [comedian] Aziz Ansari was making on his book [a reported $3.5 million]. No one says a goddamn word.

Lena Dunham in The Hollywood Reporter

A nice bit of validation during a week that has been a week in a month that has been a month in a year that has been trying, to say the least.

I would always look for clues to her in books and poems, I realized. I would always search for the echoes of the lost person, the scraps of words and breath, the silken ties that say, Look: she existed.
— Meghan O’Rourke, “Story’s End,” The New Yorker



(I wrote this on a plane just about a month ago, and then forgot about it. Then, last night, I found it again.)

On the last day, Seattle was exactly like it’s supposed to be: gray. We put our names in for brunch. (“Half an hour.” “Oh, that’s not bad at all!” “For Seattle, half an hour is the…

Beautiful and truthful.

What is writing right now? Nothing I want to do. There are feelings to feel.

Episode 30: Elisabeth Donnelly & Catie Disabato


On today’s episode, two pieces about how special relationships can slip into our lives and disappear, sometimes without warning. Elisabeth Donnelly reads an essay, “How to Befriend a Cat,” and Catie Disabato reads from her new novel, The Ghost Network.

Discussed: cats, fame, independent…

Guys! Download Jaime’s podcast The Catapult this week for the chance to hear me talk about what it’s like to have a fake cat and to hear from Catie’s amazing new book. So ready.

I find the general lionizing of Louis CK as a prophet of comedy truth to be exhausting, and Louie the television show to be highly overrated (imagine Homer Simpson hitting the TV saying “Be more funny!”, that is me and Louie), but I relate to his twitter perspective so much. Is it any coincidence we’re both from Massachusetts? I feel like lately my inner New Englander battles against the way that people do things right this second and my inner New Englander just wants to get off the internet, doesn’t see the point of it, is getting her news from the paper in the morning, and would rather go outside.

Q:You got rid of your Twitter?
Louis CK:Yeah.
Q:You finally had it?
Louis:It didn't make me feel good. It made me feel bad, instead. So I stopped doing it.
Q:That's a very simple way to look at it.
Louis:I just thought: This thing doesn't make me feel good. Every time I say something on here, I wish I hadn't said it. And then I'll write a couple things to try to fix it? And then I'll feel worse. It was the worst things I ever said, heard and seen by the most people. It's the worst possible scenario.
Q:But the people never got to you, right?
Louis:The what? You mean things people write back to you?
Q:Yeah yeah.
Louis:I don't give a fuck about that. Reading it depressed me, and writing it depressed me. I hate it. It's everybody's worst side. I don't think the speed helps dialogue. I think it's why everything is so fucked up and polarized. People are going too fast, they're trying to react quickly. You know, like blogs write a whole think piece... "Here's why this person's wrong." And then you can even tell that they, probably a week later, went, "Ugh, I dunno, I shoulda given that a little more thought."
Q:Given it a couple extra days or whatever.
Louis:I hate it. I hate the smarminess of little tweets. "Just. Came. Back. From. Meh. Meh. Meh. And. Here's. My. Joke. About. It." There's no quality to it. To me the point of Twitter was just to announce that I'm doing something. And then people would go, "All you do is promote." Yeah, that's what the fuck it is. It's like watching a commercial for like a Ford Explorer and going, "Why don't you do something else besides tell me how good a Explorer is?" And the Explorer's like, "I'm a fucking car. I'm just trying to sell myself."

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukHD2wpNHS...

Trying to practice resilience, mostly feeling totally messy with my back up against the wall. The one person I want to call, I can’t. I wish that the sun was out and that there was a slight feeling of spring in the air, if only for the renewal that it would bring.