Paul Rudd at 92YTribeca, Comedy Below Canal: Bro’In Out (via 92YTribeca)
Whoa Paul Rudd is one attractive dude. (And married. Note the ring.) My homegirl Amy was totally in the same room with him. Apparently he lives on the UWS, not Brooklyn, which is disappointing but whoa swoon x 5.
And now for your complimentary Clueless quote:
Josh: Hey, in some parts of the universe, maybe not in contempo-casual, but in some parts, it’s considered cool to know what’s going on in the world.
Cher: Thank you Josh. I SO need lessons from you on how to be cool. Tell me the part about Kenny G again?
Public Service Announcement: Paul Rudd’s guest spot on Season 3 Veronica Mars, “The Debasement Tapes,” is now streaming on the Watch! As he improvises a lot and calls a character named “Piz” a variety of variations, like “Pud.”