“Every hour, I’m inundated with articles, videos, and middling indie-rock albums, all of which I excitedly wade through for a few minutes or so before moving on to the next distraction. As a result, my brain’s learned to treat every new piece of information as ephemeral; it latches onto words and images for a few seconds, then drops them, knowing that they can be looked up again later. I feel as though I’m seeing everything, but learning nothing.”
- My old pal Brian Raftery on why he’s going offline for 90 days.
I sort of understand the motivation behind this, but only moderately more than I understand people who give up coffee — which is to say, not very much at all.
(via reimer)
Ha! This is a great idea, but I think that “with practice,” to quote a dinner partner last night—who was actually talking about learning to read a newspaper online—it’s possible to be focused on creative projects and still keep up appearances on Twitter and wherever else. But are the accompanying feelings similar to those of recent coffee giver-uppers? Probably. But soon, your body forgets the addiction and doesn’t miss it.
(via veraville)
I understand this perfectly. Considering it for the month of February.