If you will permit me, I will blog.
I will write about food, mostly.
I will write about cheese, and about cheesemakers and the farms and dairies where cheeses are made.
I will write about wine, though mostly of its relationship to cheese. I will collaborate with my friend Cat Silirie on a regular segment that we’ll call, “This Cheese, This Wine.”
Once, for exactly a year, I wrote in a notebook everything that I ate. Everything. I won’t do that again. It was a horrible burden.
I will write about restaurants where they inspire me. I will praise and describe the ones I like and ignore the ones I don’t.
BEST NEW TUMBLR: Matthew Rubiner, proprietor of the wonderful cheese & grocers & cafe Rubiner’s/rubi’s, in Great Barrington, MA - some place you simply must go if you are in the Berkshires - is now online. He is an excellent writer and has one of the country’s best minds when it comes to cheese. I expect glorious, gluttonous photos and stories about cheese, featuring cheese in sandwiches and various food combinations that will make you weep - as soon as he starts tagging his posts with subjects like “cheese” and “food,” you know?