(Photo taken by Stu Sherman)
Public service announcement: dear friends, is your eyesight fading in the most ridiculous of ways? You may have your computer/work on the computer/time spent on the computer to blame! Since I have eye care for the first time in my life (now there’s a health care thing that companies always think is just too, too much to give to you), I went to Pearl Vision to see what was up yesterday.
Apparently, I went from 20-20 to about 20-50, which is a big, big jump! The doctor said that while I have been getting more and more nearsighted, I have adjusted and “overcompensated” my focus for the work I do that’s close-up, computer stuff, generally. I got glasses to correct the nearsightedness, mostly meant for driving, but nothing for the overcompensation and focus because I am too far gone. Of course, now that I’m aware of this, things are clicking into place - the fact that I get more headaches then I ever did before, the tendency I have to squint my way through life. And man, this weird overfocusing actually does physically hurt and I never really realized it was coming from me, and not, like, life. Huh. Overcompensation!
It can’t be fixed without just straight-up unplugging from the computer, so I expect to be sparse on tumblr, hopefully, for the rest of winter. It was kind of a wake-up call. Anyways, my head hurts. Weird, though, right? Don’t be like me!