While it’s on my mind, really think it’s about time we revisit the work of my hero D’Angelo. Just in the way Aaliyah’s musicbecome such a touchstone for post-millenial musicians, I hear echoes of D’Angelo (and ?uestlove’s j-dilla inspired grooves on Voodoo) in much of today’s left-of-center R&B. Seriously, if this song doesn’t get it going for you, we need to have ourselves a little tete a tete. -xoxc
Casey is so right, and this video is awesome. D'Angelo on tour for Voodoo was the best concert I’ve ever, ever, ever seen. Something magical was going on. Picture the extent of the feminine hysteria in the room - 5,000 women standing on fold-out chairs and screaming like lusting banshees for two hours straight. When D'Angelo ran out into the crowd, wearing a wifebeater, he came back and the tank top was a mere necklace of fabric around his neck, ripped completely to shreds. He ended with a twenty minute vamp of “Untitled (How Does It Feel?)” where one by one, his twenty person band left the stage and then it was just D, alone, with a keyboard, saying “I love you, Boston. Do you love me?”